光と闇 CD【OLIVER10周年】
- 物販商品(自宅から発送)あんしんBOOTHパックで配送予定発送までの日数:7日以内在庫なし¥ 800
※画像はイメージです。 OLIVER10周年記念のコンピレーションアルバムです。 光輝く明るい曲から美しい闇から響く曲を奏でる少年の声をお楽しみください。
1 | Space Adventure - baggagelizard |
2 | Collection - verankuriensu |
3 | Elliot - RawBeansP |
4 | Farewell - GuitarHeroPianoZero |
5 | Leave It - ADYXSHA |
6 | Snowcover - Hanata |
7 | ISAIAH - Magpie |
8 | Nostalgic Illumrari - Constellasphere |
9 | IRAHS - Nanasaki Yu |
10 | Black Sheep - cora |
11 | Candle Boy - Steampianist |
再販は現在予定はありませんが、「入荷お知らせメールを受け取る」で再販希望者の人数を把握したら行うかもしれません。 それまでは、DL版をこちらからお楽しみください。 https://hanataplush.booth.pm/items/3508225
SONGS/ PRODUCERS: (アルファベット順) ADYXSHA baggagelizard Constellasphere cora GuitarHeroPianoZero ハーナタ Magpie ナナサキユウ RawBeansP Steampianist ヴェーラン (10月21日までにクロスフェード公開予定中) ※受注期間完了後、DL版を配布開始します。 同時配布:光と闇 イラスト集 https://hanataplush.booth.pm/items/3262945 Bandcampで同時配布中: https://hanata.bandcamp.com/releases
Out of Stock
There are currently no plans to restock the CDs, but if there is enough of a demand, it could be a possibility in the future. The "Request Restock Notice Mail" button notifies the shop about interest in restocking. In the meantime, enjoy the digital download version of the music here: https://hanataplush.booth.pm/items/3508225
Overseas Users
The main perk of using Booth over Bandcamp is the option to allow for anonymous shipping so neither party has to know the other's actual address to complete the transaction. This is possible with overseas orders, but isn't as straightforward as just typing in your address. There's a few options to choose from, and one of them is to use this website: https://www.tenso.com/en/static/lp_shop_booth